Will Stokes

William Stokes 30under30 SQ

William Stokes is a British entrepreneur, property developer and Joint Founder & CEO of Co-Space, a flexible workspace operator.

As a passionate entrepreneur, William gained over 8 years of experience in both the chemical and construction engineering sector, at a management level, before stepping away to focus on his own business ventures. During this time, he gained a wide array of management and technological skills which have created a substantial foundation for his current and future interests.

Over the last 4 years William helped to build EquaGroup, a medium sized commercial to residential property developer responsible for delivering between 150-250 apartments a year into the first-time buyer market, before leaving in April to focus on Co-Space and his own development projects.

William has a passion towards the flexible workspace sector and wants to help change the way we work, and view the workspace as a whole, as well as a passion towards technology, with a primary focus around health tech and prop tech.
