Property Brunch- 1 Year Online Anniversary


March 9


09:30 am - 11:00 am

Chance to celebrate 1 Year Anniversary


Many past speakers/panellists will be joining us tomorrow


Topics to be covered:

  • The London Plan- Review
  • Land and New Homes
  • Funding Update
  • Battle Scars

Your Chance to Showcase what you do in Property- 30 second shout out

The session is co-hosted with:

Aaron Yahaya- Oparo

Jack Jiggens- EXP Property

Guest Speakers:

Bruce Mainwaring, Co-Founder of Bond Finance

John East, Head of Land and New Homes at KFH

Peter Higginbottom, Planning Insight

Richard Thorpe, Performance Coach


Register via:–3MFVyddFIYA