Piecing It All Together in 2019
This will be my third year of attending Brendan Quinn’s National Development Summit and what a great time to reflect at the start of the year.
At my first Summit, I was still in the process of writing my book The Complete Guide to Property Strategies and it helped me get clarity on where development sits relative to other strategies. I realised development can sit anywhere, just as we can when attending the Summit – front, back or centre! On the stage or in the audience! We can move too, flexing our ability to do what’s right at the time. Flex-ability is a great feature of development too!
Attending the Summit led me to invest through various crowdfunding platforms, when it wasn’t yet the right timing for me to do my own development project. I had other priorities…
Tax being the highest, with S24! At my first Development Summit, a conversation I had with another attendee encouraged me to seek tax advice which led to the restructuring of our business that will greatly improve things tax-wise and facilitate our future direction in development.
Brendan also introduced me, to Jay Anthony Howard and Piotr Rusinek, who have also been influential in encouraging me to look at the opportunities available at auctions; and Mark Stokes whose Commercial Development event I will attend.
Whatever you hope to get out of the Summit, I wish you a very prosperous 2019 and the clarity to find what’s right for you.
Angela Bryant will be attending the National Development Summit for the third time on Saturday January 19th